Tara Island

July 14th: 7:30pm Kota Kinabalu

Hi Everyone,

  We stopped at Tara Island shortly after we had left Romblon.  It was one of my favorites.  It inspired me to paint!  I have to admit that most of our stops are running together in my mind.  They were all pretty similar to me so I am sure they are impossible for you to distinguish.  But the images are pretty so I am send on some photos.  I am send the emails I can do quickly.  The remainder of the Puerto Galera Adventure, Romblon, Illultuk Bay:Safari Park, Coron Town and Puerto Princessa were multi-day stops so it will take me longer to write about them.  In the meantime, more island photos.

clip_image002  My interpretation of Tara Island.  There were kids playing, dogs playing, men in bancas, women and babies scavenging from the surf.    There was no wifi, cell phone service or the obnoxious blaring kareoke (which I still can’t spell.)  It was just charming.

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clip_image012 clip_image014  Surly the gods live behind those clouds!

clip_image016  When you see how the clouds, lightning, stars, and sea appear in such vast space it’s easy to understand why all of the early myths explaining creation and nature were imagined.