

  Thanks for all your comments about the garlic painting and photos.  I really am enjoying having a group of people to do art with.  And it is so nice to have the new arts and culture center.  My artist friend Heidi made some suggestions so I will try the garlic again and hope to improve even more.  These photos are taken with my small camera.  I was so loaded down with a backpack full of hats and gloves and other shoes for walking that I just couldn’t add the camera to that mix.  We had some intention of walking the horses a bit to give them some exercise so I wore my big barn boots on the way and carried my sneakers for walking the 6 or so miles back from Yacht Marina to Netsel.  Mary and I did stop for lunch at the tiny spot half way that has one restaurant still open. 

  I wrote this up as a plea our friend Gwen will send out to all of the live aboard folks which includes those cruisers who live at Yacht Marine. 


The Lonely Horses of Yacht Marina

Mary and I took the dolmuṣ to Yacht Marine to visit the two lonely horses that live there.

Our friend Kathy whose boat is at YM had made a plea for people to visit the horses as they are pretty much neglected.  Kathy would bring them carrots and apples, but as she and her husband were going home to New Zealand for 6 months, she was hoping other folks would take her place.

The horses are fed and watered and their stalls are kept clean, but apparently no one really spends time with them.  As Mary and I were horse lovers in our earlier lives, we took the time today to go visit the two at YM.  


The box stalls are quite spacious and seemed clean.  And the horses did have water.  Their coats appeared clean.  I have no idea about the condition of their feet but heir manes and tails could have used a good combing.  And the horse Mary is visiting had very yellowed teeth.  The boxes were locked so we couldn’t go in to visit with the horses.  The near horse was a bit rambunctious wanting to nip fingers that only wanted to pat his nose.  You really did have to be aware when interacting with him.

But if you took him in hand, he seemed to accept that.  Both horses appreciated the apple and carrot treats we fed them.



One horse is named Tibet and the other Kartal which means eagle.  We were told that by one of the office workers.  But she wasn’t sure which horse was which.  We were old how and when we could ride the horses…..until we said we were from Netsel and then we were told Netsel Marina people weren’t allowed to ride the horses. 

  So anyone from Yacht Marina who likes horses, please go visit these two.  If you want to ride them, the “groom” will get them ready for you.  You just have to ride.  Or just visit them.  I’m sure they are quite as bored as you would be if all you ever did was stand around in a stall all day with only one view. The horses can’t even see each other which is quite sad as horses are herd animals.