Wednesday, November 23…the day before Thanksgiving

7:34 am  7 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time

So this morning is bright and sunny and I have yet another load of laundry washing.  Randal suggested that since it was sunny we should motorbike to Dipkarpaz and eat at our favorite restaurant. I said we’d be eating a big dinner with Bill and Judy on BeBe because it was Thanksgiving.  Randal laughed and said he’d read my blogmail and noticed that I was a day ahead.  Somehow I managed to miss Wednesday and skipped all the way to Thursday.  Must have been that 2 for 1 Happy Hour wine. 

And I didn’t mention the mosques in the photo at the fruit and veggie market because we’re just so used to them I don’t always take notice.  North Cyprus is the Turkish side of Cyprus which is Muslim.  I don’t know if most of the mosques date from after the 1974 Turkish invasion of the north.  It’s difficult to find any information at all.  Think of it this way.  The American Civil War ended in 1865 but there are still sensitivities about it.  The war here ended with no real closure; just a "Green Line" monitored by the UN so it’s hard to know whom to ask about what without offending someone.  We will definitely make some trips to South Cyprus when our friends Charmaine and Linda come to visit.  But we may also go next week with Bill and Judy so we can check on motorbike issues like insurance for driving in the South and maybe registering it there so we can possibly sell it and get a larger one. 

As for the fruit and veggies, not sure where they are all actually grown since the ground here seems pretty baron.  There are orange trees and pomegranates growing.  But Randal said he noticed the bananas were from Ecuador.  We bought oranges, grapefruit and bananas.  It looked they were selling a wide variety of pears but I’m not a pear fan.  There were lots of apples too and grapes.  Next market I’ll buy a few things we don’t know, like olive bread with pits, and see what we like or not.  But since I’d rather read, walk, or paint than cook or clean there’s less incentive to worry about unidentified local food. 

The people three boats down have a parrot and I hear it whistling really loudly every morning.  It talks too, but I don’t know it well enough to talk with it yet.  It is owned by Brits so it does speak English!

So…..just to clear things up. 

Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.