Puerto Galera Photos

clip_image001 This is the type of banca taxi we hired to take us from Puerto Galera to Portofino. 

clip_image002 Nick and Zaida in the banca

clip_image003 Zaida in the banca

clip_image004 This is a great dive area, Sabang.

clip_image005 The seas off the port side. 

Sticking out from the hull is a paravane arm Randal saw come close to dipping into the water on a roll.

clip_image006  My stubbed toe. 

I jammed the one next to my big toe into  the raise part of the port side deck.  I’m wearing my

P 75 flip flops.

clip_image007 Our electronic charts

clip_image008 You can travel by banca or seaplane.  The view off our stern in Puerto Galera

clip_image009 One last photo of the beach front from Portofino toward Sabang