Last pictures from Puerto Galera

A mixture of photos from Puerto Galera.  I still have lots more, but this is enough for you to get the flavor of the place.   

clip_image001  Randal and I wanted to practice with the dinghy and also with our snorkels. 

We lowered the dinghy from the back of the boat, lowered the motor, attached it all together and were off around the cove and then across the way to snorkel.  You can see Doramac off in the top right hand corner just next to a sail boat.  Even though we were just across the way, Randal brought his phone. Just in case?   I was snorkeling away when Randal got my attention to tell me that he had forgotten to take his phone from his pocket.  Since this outing was no longer fun, we got back into the dinghy and motored back to the boat.  But all’s well that ends ok, and Randal has a “newish” phone and his SIM card still works so he has access to all of the info stored on his soggy phone.  Buying a new phone involved several trips to the phone shop that kept selling old phones as new phones.  Randal’s first phone said, I love you Frank, or something like that when he turned it on, so it was replaced with another “newish phone” that didn’t say hello to anyone.

clip_image002  New Year’s Eve.  Nessie,  and Geoffrey and Nancy Cannell.  Nancy is my newest art buddy!  We spent a lovely afternoon on her boat “doing art.”  I learned about pastels and we had a great time.  Nancy and I have been sharing our attempts of the same Sabang window and it has been fun and a great way to learn.  Nancy is from Maine but is not a Red Sox fan.  She is a Yankee fan!  I really really like her anyway!  See, it can happen.  Nancy doesn’t love having her photo taken and this doesn’t come close to doing her justice.  But it is the only one I have.  Maybe I’ll get her to pose next trip.

clip_image003 Because of a family honor bestowed on a distant uncle, Geoff has a family tartan.  He looked very handsome in it too.

clip_image004  A photo of the Puerto Galera Yacht Club bar and restaurant.  They do a barbecue every Friday night and new people are introduced and everyone is quite welcoming.  We have been to the barbecue 3 times so we are “old people” now. 

clip_image005  Along the path from Sabang to Small Lalaguna vendors sell beads and shells and such.  I loved how this women looked.  I haven’t mixed plaids and stripes since my Outward Bound days when clean and dry, or at least dry was the only fashion requirement.  But I like these combinations.  You may see me in mixed plaids and wilder colors. 

clip_image006  The shop where my flour sack clothes were made.

clip_image007  They finished up my shorts while I waited.

clip_image008  He and I were fascinated with each other.  His mom was sewing my shorts. 

A candy bar and a teddy bear, life used to be so simple.

clip_image009  Sometimes we would see boats not so much bigger than these out, way far out, in the ocean during our passages.   Randal is reading Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond.  It is a history of mankind in about 500 pages.  Randal says it is the most difficult and most rewarding book he has read.  And he has read Stephen Ambrose and David McCullough and Richard Feynman so that tells you something about this book.  Anyway, in the book Diamond tells about tribes in New Guinea that made round bottom dugouts.  To prevent roll they added these outrigger arms.  You could probably guess the reasons, but that one is official.  Diamond won the Pulitzer for the book.

clip_image010  Sunrise in Puerto Galera.  Lovely!

Except when these bancas passed by early in the morning, late at night and so close you could shake hands with the passengers.  The really large ones were noisy and created waves.  A little nosy too!  But lovely!!